
Using hooks, your plugin can exercise fine-grained control over various aspects of the build process. If your plugin defines any hooks, Jekyll will call them at pre-defined points.

Hooks are registered to a container and an event name. To register one, you call Jekyll::Hooks.register, and pass the container, event name, and code to call whenever the hook is triggered. For example, if you want to execute some custom functionality every time Jekyll renders a post, you could register a hook like this:

Jekyll::Hooks.register :posts, :post_render do |post|
  # code to call after Jekyll renders a post

Jekyll provides hooks for :site, :pages, :posts, :documents and :clean. In all cases, Jekyll calls your hooks with the container object as the first callback parameter. All :pre_render hooks and the:site, :post_render hook will also provide a payload hash as a second parameter. In the case of :pre_render, the payload gives you full control over the variables that are available while rendering. In the case of :site, :post_render, the payload contains final values after rendering all the site (useful for sitemaps, feeds, etc).

The complete list of available hooks is below:

Container Event Called



Just after the site initializes, but before setup & render. Good for modifying the configuration of the site.



Just after site reset



After site data has been read and loaded from disk



Just before rendering the whole site



After rendering the whole site, but before writing any files



After writing the whole site to disk



Whenever a page is initialized



Just before rendering a page



After rendering a page, but before writing it to disk



After writing a page to disk



Whenever a post is initialized



Just before rendering a post



After rendering a post, but before writing it to disk



After writing a post to disk



Whenever a document is initialized



Just before rendering a document



After rendering a document, but before writing it to disk



After writing a document to disk



During the cleanup of a site's destination before it is built